Do you Twitter? Cleveland Handmade does! Follow CleveHandmade on Twitter.com to see the latest from the Cleveland Team on Etsy.
Team member zJayne recommends posting on Twitter using #clevehandmade so that other team members can find you and follow you too. For example, tweet "I'm a proud member of #clevehandmade - Search ClevelandTeam on #Etsy to find us."
The # sign or hashtag makes it a clickable link and a way to easily find similar Twitter posts.
Using the @ symbol, followed by a username is a way to mention a specific username. So, if I Twitter "@zJayne Love your dryer pouches!" not only will zJayne be able to see that I sent that message, others will be able to check her out on Twitter as well.
This may be confusing for those of you who are not familiar with Twitter. No worries! If you are new to Twitter, the first step would be to follow CleveHandmade. We don't currently have a list of Cleveland Handmade usernames on Twitter, so we'd like it if you could comment on this thread, leaving your Twitter username. That way we can follow each other and have a list of teammates on Twitter.
Whenever possible, it's good to "tweet" or post a clickable link directly to www.ClevelandHandmade.com, or do a "ClevelandTeam" search on Etsy and post a link directly to that search. People are more likely to click on the link than they are to actually go to Etsy and search "ClevelandTeam" or to type out www.ClevelandHandmade.com in their browser. Twitter is all about the clicks. This is especially important to help promote the giveaways on the website.
@Etsy is currently looking for items for their Etsy Twitter Gift Guide. If you'd like to participate you can put #myetsy with a link to your item. I'm not sure if this is a limited-time opportunity, or if they will continue to update the Gift Guide.
A few things to keep in mind:
1) The team tag to use on your items and when searching for members' items on Etsy is "ClevelandTeam" (without the quotation marks).
2) The Cleveland Handmade Twitter account username is "CleveHandmade" (not Cleveland, just CleveHandmade without the quotation marks).
3) Follow us on Twitter @CleveHandmade, follow @Etsy, follow teammates as we post our usernames in the comments on this post.
4) Support your teammates by Tweeting about their successes, special promotions, etc. Using the @username and the #clevehandmade will get people looking and clicking.
5) Please feel free to ask for help in the team forum, or to convo me, LazyT or zJayne if you have any questions.
Whoa! Lots of info. there. Follow me, LazyT...
OK, I just KNOW I can figure this out....
Follow me, too!
Thanks for the info! Follow me at http://twitter.com/simpleelements
It is doable! I tell you! Thanks LazyT - perfect!
Follow me, too!
Thanks so much!
Nicely done lazyT! and I am excited about twitting an item for the guide!
I'm @virtuallori of course. :-)
hiya Cleveland twits... I'm @CopperLeafSt
@LeahAna here!
I read it three times! I got it now!
@vintagebrooch here!
I've been waiting for a post like this! Awesome!
Great info - thank you! Follow me, too: http://twitter.com/leavesstitches
I'm @knitgrrl on Twitter :) Same as Etsy.
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